Wrap up

My March Wrap up

Hello Everyone,

So this month I have been pretty inactive, that’s because I have been so busy with coursework I have barely had time to read let alone write a blog post. I read a mix of fantasy and contemporary mystery thrillers.

Here are the 5 books I read in March:

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black | Add on Goodreads

Rating: 5 out of 5.

A reread of this was in order before beginning The Stolen Heir. I love The Folk of the Air trilogy and I loved being back in this world with Jude and Carden. I still don’t like Jude’s sister Taryn, but I adored Oak all the more knowing he gets his own book and love interest when he grows up.

Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson | Add on Goodreads

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I finally picked up the sequel to a Good Girl’s Guide to Murder and I loved it so much. It just upped the stakes with everything. This time the case is more personal and there is more danger. A catfish online grabs their attention and then a 20-year-old, or something like that, murder case also becomes of interest to the case. It all seems so weird but when it all comes together it was so good.

As Good As Dead by Holly Jackson | Add on Goodreads

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I had to pick up the last book in the trilogy after reading Good Girl, Bad Blood. I loved the finale as well. So much danger and so many good plot twists. Just when she thinks she’s got the right murder someone else comes out of the woodwork instead. I was constantly being surprised and I had such a great time reading this. I now know the best way to get away with murder…

Godkiller by Hannah Kaner | Add on Goodreads

Rating: 5 out of 5.

This had such an interesting mythology aspect and the gods were interesting. The world was so well done and the characters were very instantly lovable. Inara and Kissen had a great sisterly bond that grew throughout the book. Inara was also somehow bonded with a small god who was seriously adorable, Skedi. They all went through some ups and downs and the twist ending was so good. Also the artwork on the cover and the endpapers is absolutely stunning.

Princess of Souls by Alexandra Christo | Add on Goodreads 

Rating: 4 out of 5.

This was so good, the world was so interesting and the magic system was so effortless. Selestra was a descendant of a witch who unfortunately turned against her fellow witches and destroyed them all for power. Selestra helped Nox defeat the evil and powerful King but also her mother. What ensues is a wonderful adventure across lands, an insta-love romance and beautiful friendships.

Exile by Shannon Messenger | Add on Goodreads

Rating: 4 out of 5.

This was a reread and I enjoyed it so much, I am eager and hopeful that I will get to the third one soon. Sophie goes through so much for someone that is just thirteen. In this one she is told by so many that she is broken, and damaged and it really affects her as it should and will. She meets an Alicorn and loses her friends Fitz and Biana. She bonds more with her adopted parents, Grady and Edaline and her friendship with both Keefe and Dex grows.

That is all I read in March. I hope to try and read more in April but I am not optimistic and I don’t think I will have time to blog much either. I do have some good news though, just last weekend we put down a deposit for two cute as-heck kittens and I am so excited to get them. They are still too young to come home at the moment but hopefully, by the end of May, I will have them.

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